Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog.

When I woke up this morning, creating a blog was not high on my list of things to do, but sometimes things happen for a reason, so here I am typing up my first blog. I'll be quite happy if anyone should decide to come by and read my ramblings.

I've always considered myself to be a bit of a frustrated writer. Never really knowing if I was any good at it, I always knew I enjoyed it. Much like my photography, it was a latent interest that I decided to finally explore.

I'd had a hunch that I could be be good, because I wasn't much good at anything else. I can play a guitar, but I can't play it well. I've always felt there was an artist of some sort lurking in my soul, but for whatever reason never explored that side much.

I had to work, pay bills, be responsible, you know, all that adult stuff that gets in the way of pursuing a dream, or dreams. Looking around, it was obvious that time wasn't going to wait for me to figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up, so I figured now might be as good of a time as any to get off my ass.

That being said, here I am, and I'm not planning on going anywhere for awhile. I hope you'll find me, choose to follow, enjoy the photography, and maybe get a laugh or two out of the musings of a morally bankrupt, financially struggling, artistically frustrated, middle aged Jeffrey Lebowski.

Till next time.

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