Monday, February 21, 2011

The Gauntlet

A gauntlet is described as an 'open challenge', and used in phrases like, 'throw down the gauntlet', or for those in the epicurean set, 'throw down with Bobby Flay'.

Over this past weekend, I took the opportunity to comment rather sarcastically on an article written in my local newspaper. Having taken an interest in the author of this article, and others, I critiqued the article for being more an advertisement for a local establishment, than an article for the opening of a new business enterprise in town. And, I also rather pithily critiqued the article for it's exuberance for a particular word that many may have known, but for the vast majority of readers would be met with a 'huh?'

Now the reason I've given the name of this blog 'The Gauntlet', is because my critique caught the attention of the editor of said local newspaper, who so eloquently challenged me basically to either 'put up, or shut up'.

Those were not his exact words, but as I have contributed to the paper as both a photographer, and less as a writer, his challenge was for me to contribute my own work and not criticize the work of others.

I've always appreciated the opportunity to contribute as a freelance photographer, but the dilemma for me was when I was asked if I would like to contribute as a writer. Needless to say, I was flattered to be asked to write, even though my last journalistic attempt consisted of a rather poorly written piece for my high school newspaper some 35 years ago.

The idea to do some writing was thrust upon me much like my photography. I always had an interest, but never felt compelled to pursue it, until economic circumstance, and a little guidance from above left me questioning what it was I was going to do with the rest of my life.

One of the reasons I decided to start this blog, was that I enjoy putting my thoughts down in words. It's a release of sorts to put down in words whats rattling around in my brain. The blog is ultimately about the photography, but it must also be about the writing. While I am not formally trained in either photography or writing, I think I have a knack for both of them.

While getting my friendly kick in the ass yesterday, and being asked why I hadn't contributed much in the way of writing is because I don't consider myself a writer per se. My editor commented that if you don't consider yourself a writer, you'll never write. The very fact that I'm sitting here banging this out would lead me to believe that maybe I do have some tools, and as my editor said 'can string sentences together'.

It's been difficult since the loss of my 'real' job almost two years ago to contemplate doing something other than what I was trained to do. But the more I look at my life and what I have an interest in, it seems that someone or something keeps pointing me in this direction, and opening doors that I never thought would be open.

I'm finally seeing that perhaps maybe, just maybe, taking pictures and writing is something I was always supposed to do, but only now, have I recognized it.

It's a bit intimidating to think that this might be what I do now. It's very competitive, and the prospects for making a 'real' living are slim. But everywhere I turn, I have people who believe in what I can do. That being said, it's ultimately up to me whether or not I succeed.

Where does it all lead? I wish I knew. Life is a journey full of gauntlets, some of your own making, some thrown your way by others. I think it's important to view all of them as challenges, and opportunities to succeed.

A favorite saying that I've adopted says: 'It's never too late to be what you might have been'.

So in addition to being a husband, dad, cancer survivor and friend. I also find myself a photographer, and yes, a writer.

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