Thursday, February 24, 2011

On with the show, this is it.

When I was a kid, I couldn't wait to wake up on Saturday  mornings, make my toast and peanut butter, cold glass of Nestle's Quick, and get ready for another hour of fun and frolic with my pals from Warner Bros. cartoons.

After a hard week at school, nothing took the edge off like watching Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Foghorn Leghorn, Yosemite Sam, and the rest of the cast of merry misfits making my Saturday mornings complete.

It was one hour of hilarity that made the rest of the week tolerable. A place where I could escape into the slapstick world of make believe. Where much like Kenny from South Park, a character could be fried, shot, or otherwise laughably disfigured, only to return later in the show or next week, back for more.

But like everything in life, that hour had to end. The toast and Nestle's Quick cocoa were finished; time to mow the lawn, clean my room, or go play some baseball with the guys.

Saturday was a forget it all kind of day. A day to be a kid and enjoy being alive, not worrying about the homework assignment you knew was waiting for you. The one you weren't going to do until late Sunday evening.

We don't get enough Saturday's in our lives. Mostly seems like a Sunday, a day you do the laundry, clean the house, and get ready for work the next day.

Sunday is the day you close the chapter on a book, preparing yourself to start a new one the following day, wondering what it is you're going to read, and if you're going to like it.

Today is a Sunday of sorts, but today it's not so much about finishing a chapter, as it is finishing the book and going on to the next one. The hard part is deciding what it is you want to read, or do you want to just get through the week and wait for Saturday morning where once again you can forget about it all for that one hour. That hour where you can hit the heights, the night of nights.

And oh what heights we'll hit. On with the show this is it.

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