Monday, April 4, 2011

The more I know, the less I understand

Argh! I don't know what I want to write about today. I'm not convinced that I even want to write, but write I must. The books I've read recently, pound into your brain, that if you want to even consider being a writer, that you must write. Nowhere does it say anything about being a good writer, just a writer. You must also read a lot. Well, considering that I also try to make a living taking pictures, it's a lot for my fragile, little eggshell mind to get a grip on. Write, read, shoot, rinse, repeat.

I understand that this life, if you're lucky, is just one long journey with destination unknown. Until you get to the end of course, when you look back at how long this journey took you, and then you ask, "We're here already?" That's right bubba, the long strange trip you thought would never end is over, and you maybe  haven't even took the time to really enjoy it. Or if you have, you're trying to figure out a way to make a deal with someone for just a little more time. One more beer, on more breakfast in bed.

Either way, the trip seems to be over before it even got started. You wish you had done this, or done that. Maybe you think about the things you wish you hadn't said, or maybe more importantly, the things you wish you would have said.

I'm getting somewhere with this, really I am. What it means to me is that while I'm on this journey with a one way ticket to ride, the ride doesn't come with any instructions. You get dropped into this world with nothing, and leave pretty much the same way. Along the way you learn what it is to get along in this life, and hopefully the mistakes you make a long the way, make you smarter, and more importantly, a better person.

Life is complicated. It's also wonderful, but at times can be very painful. The longer you live, the more you are exposed to. It seems like there is always another mountain. Something else you have to learn, something else you have to master. The technological advances we witness can make a person's head spin. Yet, you better keep up or it will all pass you by.

I guess that's what I mean by today's blog title. I'm always on a quest it seems to learn the next thing. Figure out how my camera works. Try and decide what lens, or light system, or software to buy, and then have to try and figure out how it all works, or what direction to try and go with it all. Some days, I just don't want to deal with it, but deal with it I must.

Some days I don't want to do anything. Other days I just want to be left alone to shoot, or write something totally inane, just for the exercise. Some days like today, I have to deal with business, trying to explain to someone that I'm in business just like others, to make a living. I'm all about win/win situations, but I'm tired of giving my work away for 'considerations' or 'free publicity.' Woohoo! that's great to a point, but it ain't paying my bills.

So there you have it. Another hill climbed, another lesson learned....I think.

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