It's been awhile since I've posted a blog, a long while. My writing it seems goes in spurts. I always have something to write about, it's finding the motivation to put into words what's on my mind is often the hurdle. As interesting as that may or may not be, let's move onto the subject of today's blog.
Earlier this year I was reading the late Christopher Hitchens book 'Hitch-22,' which was a fond look back at the life of the writer who was suffering from late stage esophageal cancer and later died from it.
In this book, the name of Thomas Paine was frequently mentioned. I have to admit I was unfamiliar with who Thomas Paine was. Not satisfied at not knowing who this man was I of course did a little Google sleuthing and discovered who and what Thomas Paine was; only one of the most important figures in the history of our country.
Paine wrote what he called the 'little pamphlet.' This 'pamphlet' became a rallying point for what became the Declaration of Independence. Published anonymously in January of 1776, 'Common Sense' was 'Written by an Englishman.' Common Sense presented to Americans during this time the most concise argument for freedom from British rule when many Americans were still undecided about which direction the country should proceed. What made Common Sense such a great book was that Paine wrote the book in such a way that the common person could read and understand it.
Common Sense was written in only four sections, outlining each argument for independence, noting the distinction between society and government, and explained the origins of monarchies and heredity succession from both a historical and biblical perspective. Paine argued in such a way it was clear that monarchies were obsolete and were no way to govern a new country based on freedom and liberty.
More importantly, Paine laid out in precise detail the disagreement with British rule. He explained in simple terms how ridiculous it was for a small English island to rule a huge and unexplored continent. He also presented a big picture view of America as more than just a British colony; it was now a new country made up of people from all over Europe and beyond. The book allowed Americans to see how British rule and it's actions against America were not only immoral, but would see America as a British colony dragged unnecessarily into British wars.
Paine's 'pamphlet,' was the most popular book of the entire revolutionary era. Paine made political and moral ideas easy to understand for the common man. The book brought Americans together to debate political issues of the day. Disdaining large words and complex phrases, Paine wrote in a concise, simple way that helped make the book accessible to all Americans. Even Americans who were illiterate could be read the book in public gatherings and become part of the debated.
Despite this, man of the colonists were unsure about whether to declare independence or remain loyal to British rule. Many in fact were leaning towards reconciliation with the King. But the moving words of Thomas Paine eventually moved and inspired the colonists to get off the fence and into a fight for their independence and the future of their country.
Thomas Paine was a very passionate man about what he believed and was a true visionary. He and his 'little pamphlet' inspired the colonists to fight for their independence and those that eventually became the Founding Fathers to draw up what would become the Declaration of Independence.
The importance of Thomas Paine and 'Common Sense' to the founding of this Country cannot be overstated. Thank you Christopher Hitchens.