At the suggestion of my editor at The Nugget, I picked up some books to help me with my writing. I spent the better part of the last couple of weeks reading 'On Writing' by Stephen King, 'The War of Art' by Steven Pressfield, and 'The Elements of Style' by E.B. White. In addition to the reading I was also writing articles for the paper, and of course taking pictures.

Last week, to celebrate my anniversary and St. Patricks Day, my wife and I took a four day trip to Portland. As discussed previously I love Portland, and contemplate a move back there someday. I won't delve back into that today. What I will say about Portland, is that it has a lot going on, and it's a very interesting city to shoot. I wish that I had had more time but there were things to do and I couldn't make Katie follow me around town for four days while I took pictures of nearly everything that caught my eye.
Anyway, as I really have nothing much to say, other than that I must do this per the books I've read. If you want to write, you must write. You must also read, which I've been doing. But as I'm also a photographer, well, I have to shoot.
So, for your viewing pleasure here are just a few of the shots I took while up in Portland, and most recently at the Tom Grant show in Bend on Saturday. No, you won't see a shot of Tom Grant as I found the shot of the bass player far more interesting than anything I got of Tom.
The first shot you see was taken in downtown Portland during a brief five minutes when the sun came out. Taken with a fish-eye, it creates a circular effect of the high rises which makes me dizzy if I look at it too long.
The second is of Mister Bass Player in the Tom Grant Band. My apologies for not knowing his name. Typical of a bass player, he kind of stood in the wings motionless, other than to pluck the strings and move his hands up and down the neck. Bill Wyman would have been proud.
The shot to the left was taken at the Kells St. Patricks Day celebration. The band was a U2 tribute band called U277, and each member bore a resemblance to each member of U2. This shot of course would be of The Edge, also know as Adam.

Last, but not least, may be my favorite of the bunch. This was taken in The Pearl District. This is a hand held taken at 1/15 of a second. I caught the motion of the the light rail train as it made a sweeping turn past a Starbucks Coffee. If you notice a reflection of a guy leaning up against a light post, that would be me.
Well, so ends a rather mundane blog about what I did on my spring break. Portland as usual was very hospitable despite the mostly inclement weather.
I hope you enjoy the photos as after all, this is a photography blog.